Software Testing Certifications and Career Path Job Opportunities

Certifications grant participants the opportunity to assess their knowledge and learn more about their work. If you’re looking for professional certification, the Certified Software Tester certification (CSTE) is one of the best certifications for 2022. Acquiring the Certified Software Tester Certification (CSTE) indicates a professional level of proficiency in the practices of quality control (QA) […]

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What is Shift-Left Testing?

Fixing bugs at a late stage of the software development lifecycle is very costly and time-consuming. Worst case, developers have to redesign the application. The principle of ‘Shift-Left’ assists the testers to collaborate with all the stakeholders much earlier in the software development life Cycle. Hence, they can clearly understand the requirements, software design, architecture, […]

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How to get started with shifting left testing?

Shift-Left testing differs from one organization to another. There are many variables like organization size, number of security personnel, current processes, and product risk exposure that will affect how the organization approaches this shift. Listed below are the THREE steps that help get started with Shift-Left testing simply and effectively to reap its complete benefits: […]

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AI Testing is Here Today to Stay in The Future

As more and more Artificial Intelligence comes into our lives, the need for testing with Artificial intelligence is increasing. AI testing is becoming mainstream. About 21% of IT leaders surveyed around the world said they are using AI trials, according to the 2020-21 World Quality Report. AI testing is a form of testing that uses […]

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6 Skills You Must Have to Become AI Tester

According to the World Quality Report, there is a lack of skills that you need to be an AI tester. “There is still some way to go in this regard,” the report said; around one-third of respondents admit to a skills gap. To become an AI tester, you will need to have a strong computer […]

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What is TMMi in Software Testing and Why it is Important?

What is TMMi in Software Testing ? The stakeholders that demand permanent improvements in their software products are many – clients, investors, employees, and competitors. There are plenty of methodologies of software testing that are constantly improving to provide better products and make the software development life cycle easier and more efficient. And to determine […]

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Maximizing Safety and Efficiency through Automotive Software Testing

The automotive industry is a major contributor to the global economy, investing over $100 billion annually in research and development, and testing. Modern vehicles include many embedded systems to improve the safety and comfort of drivers and passengers like GPS-enabled maps, parking sensors, safety controls, and more. These systems have many benefits such as: Improved […]

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Testing for Accessibility: Why It Matters and How to Get Started

Accessibility testing is an important aspect of software development as it ensures that a software product is inclusive and usable by the widest possible range of people, including those with disabilities. As WHO reports show, Approximately 16% of the population has disability issues, with 1 in 6 people having significant disabilities. By including accessibility testing […]

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What is AI testing?

In repetitive and more often lengthy tests, software testing becomes time and effort-draining for the whole team instead of being a quality measure. So, there was an urgent need to speed up such processes without breaching quality and accuracy. Although automated testing made a leap in making testing processes faster, AI testing came to be […]

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TestCrew Achieves ISTQB Global Partnership – Bringing Exceptional Software Testing Services to Clients

TestCrew is proud to announce its achievement of the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) Global Partnership. This recognition reflects TestCrew’s commitment to delivering top-quality software testing services to its clients worldwide. As an ISTQB Global Partner, TestCrew has access to the latest industry trends, training, and certification programs, enabling it to provide better value […]

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From a Bottleneck to Key Accelerator: How Does Quality Engineering Support Digital Transformation?

When deciding to start your business digital transformation, you recognize the significance of quality in making this transformation stand out. However, the need for a speed release is still a top priority. At the end, software testing becomes an afterthought in the belief that it will prolong your business’s digital transformation.  In an ideal case, […]

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